Room for ideas.
Ideas for rooms.
Individual ideas for rooms evolve when a passion for craftsmanship meets creativity and lifestyle. Based on this mission statement and the ambition to give you our best, the experienced professionals in Ingo Dierich’s team realize their ideas in the field of interior design and interior decoration together with you.
In so doing, our team converts rooms into one-of-a-kind creations – ones that express your personal wishes and needs.
Facts and figures.
- Founded in 1995
- The company is managed by the owner Ingo Dierich.
- Factory space of 800 sq m
- ’Ingo Dierich Möbel und Einrichtungen’ is one of the leading companies for fitted cabinets of all kinds and high-end internal finishing in Berlin and Brandenburg.
- Regular customers from all over Germany
- 11 regular members of staff
- Training company with two apprentices currently
- Winner of the training price of the town of Brandenburg and four-time winner of the competition ‘Die gute Form’ of the State of Brandenburg, which is awarded to apprentices presenting excellent journeyman’s pieces in carpentry
- Full service by our own cabinet-making workshop, interior designers and in-house assembly team as well as authorized skilled craftsmen
- Partnerships: raumplus, Jasno, Ampersand